  • Seedings in the cafeteria

    Planting Seedlings with Friends of the Garden

  • Halloween giving out pumpkins

    Halloween in the Garden with help from E*Trade from Morgan Stanley

  • Girl with her art

    Avant Garden

  • Amari & Akilah with art

    Avant Garden

  • Garden at twilight

    Garden Anniversary Party

  • Band playing

    Music at the Garden Anniversary Party

  • McClean Plaza

    Friends of the Garden

  • Friends of the Garden

  • BLM on stairs

    Friends of the Garden

  • girl painting bed

    Friends of the Garden

  • wreath making family

    Wreath Making at the Garden

  • Christmas arches and tree

    Friends of the Garden

About Friends of the Garden & Outdoor Education

Our popup garden and outdoor learning space (located at 95 Morgan Street in Jersey City) allows our youth to garden, read, learn, create arts and crafts, play games, explore nature, have science lessons, and enjoy the fresh air in a safe and secure area only open to the Club. Teen youth have the opportunity for paid employment to build and maintain the garden through our workforce development program. We’ve also had wonderful special events from a Halloween Festival to wreath-making at Christmas time!


Volunteers, staff, board members, and youth created this space, from building the learning steps to building and painting the raised beds to planting flowers and vegetables to painting the murals.  They continue to cultivate and harvest the plants, many used for our farm to table initiative.  Funding continues to allow us to purchase the equipment and plants to sustain and expand the garden.  We’d love to be able to provide tables and umbrellas, awnings, and more!


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